Welcome to Data.Sutton
Data.Sutton is a data-sharing website for anyone to access data relating to the London Borough of Sutton, and the communities living here. The datastore brings together a wide range of the most up to date local data and information to give an insight into our borough, and how it compares both locally and nationally.
Interested in an overview of a Sutton ward? Click on a ward on the map below, to view information about your local area, or use the postcode finder to direct you straight to the ward where you live or work.
Want to explore what information is available? Click the tab headings above or the themes at the bottom of the page, to see more. Or watch some short how-to guides on getting the most from Data.Sutton.
Quick Ward Profile
Projected total population
Total Number of Businesses
Total Claimant Count Rate
Unemployment Rate
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