This page provides guides and information for the different tools and functions on Data.Sutton.
Quick Ward Profiles
A Quick Ward Profile is a summary of the data themes included within the Data.Sutton site, broken down by each of the 18 wards in Sutton. Ward profiles are accessible from the Homepage. On the map, click on the ward that you would like to see a summary about, and the profile will load. You can also search by postcode. From the ward profile, you can:
- Exporting or printing reports
- Copying and pasting charts into your own documents
- Downloading the raw data tables
- Viewing the metadata
Data Themes
Data Themes are topics covered on Data.Sutton. You can find these listed under the ‘Data’ tab.
The themes are:
Data Themes: Population, Children and Young People, Health, Housing, Crime and Community Safety, Deprivation, Economy and Employment, Environment
Data Themes: Overviews and Reports
Data Themes: Overviews and Reports
When you load a data theme on the site you will see an overview for the whole of the borough. If you would prefer to look at reports for smaller areas, you can. Click ‘report’ at the top of the page, and it will create a summary by ward or LSOA. From the report, you can:
- Export or print reports
- Copy and paste charts into your own documents
- Download the raw data tables
- View the metadata
Data Themes: Maps
As well as viewing data as an overview or report, you can create maps to view the data across the borough. The ‘map’ button is next to the ‘reports’ button at the top of the page. You can change the data theme, and the geography shown to either wards or LSOAs. You can change the base map, and how you break down the data on the map. Once you’re happy with your map, you can: download the data, and export or print the map.
Custom Area Reporter
The Custom Area Reporter allows you to build a custom area to show data for. This allows you to load data broken down by different areas to the standard ward or LSOA boundaries. You can then create reports and maps for your new area across all data themes. Data.Sutton allows you to save your custom area for future use.
Data Explorer
Using the Data Explorer, you can search for specific data, including data that isn’t in the standard profiles and reports. You can choose the geography for viewing your data. You can display and download the data, create and download maps, add indicators to your ‘favourites’, and share it with others.