Introduction to Sutton’s Strategic Needs Assessment

The purpose of Sutton’s Strategic Needs Assessment is to:

  • Assess the local community’s current and future health and social care needs,
  • Inform recommendations on improving health and wellbeing and reducing inequalities for all age, and
  • Maintain an up to date evidence base for Sutton’s health and care partnership to support delivery of the priorities outlined in Sutton’s Health and Care Plan (2019-2024), replacing our previous Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).
Sutton’s Strategic Needs Assessment – Borough Profile 2023
Google SlidesThe report summarises the latest key data about Sutton to provide a high-level update on local needs. The report includes insights into the demographics of residents, their health and wellbeing, and Sutton as a place.
Sutton’s Strategic Needs Assessment – Integrated Neighbourhood Team Profiles
Carshalton INT: PDF | Google Slides
Central Sutton INT: PDF | Google Slides
Cheam & South Sutton INT: PDF | Google Slides
Wallington INT: PDF | Google Slides

The INT Population Profiles form part of Sutton’s Strategic Needs Assessment, building on the Borough Profile to provide a place-based overview of the community in each INT area. They’re a tool for anyone working in the area to help guide decision-making and focus interventions to reduce inequalities. Some practical applications include using the profiles to understand the population, identify vulnerabilities in specific areas/ communities and help plan joined up services.

Annual Public Health Report 2023/24
Google SlidesWe need to get people moving more and sitting less. This is key to preventing and managing long-term health conditions, reducing health inequalities, and easing the pressure on our health and care services. This year’s report makes suggestions for how organisations working in Sutton can collaborate to plan bigger, system-wide solutions, building on the work achieved in the last year, as set out in the Annual Public Health Annual Report 2022/23.
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) 2022

The PNA is a report on the pharmaceutical service needs of a local population. It is used to identify any gaps in current services or improvements that could be made in future pharmaceutical service provision.

Ward profiles

Beddington Belmont Carshalton Central Carshalton South & Clockhouse
Cheam Hackbridge North Cheam South Beddington & Roundshaw
St Helier East St Helier West Stonecot Sutton Central
Sutton North Sutton South Sutton West & East Cheam The Wrythe
Wallington North Wallington South Worcester Park North Worcester Park South

Locality profiles

There are six Local Committee areas in Sutton. Local Committees are meetings of ward Councillors and Community Representatives of a particular area.

Beddington and Wallington Carshalton and Clockhouse Hackbridge, St Helier and The Wrythe
North Cheam, Stonecot and Worcester Park Sutton Local Sutton South, Cheam and Belmont

Useful resources